Get those wine glasses ready and your typing fingers nimble, for the month of June I will be hosting Wine Blogging Wednesday # 34 on the second Wednesday, June 13th !
Lenn Thompson of Lenndevours first proposed this monthly blogging event back in July of 2004 - a wine theme is chosen by the host and wine bloggers (and often foodie bloggers) from all over the world blog that theme at the same time.
Since I am the "Wild Walla Walla Wine Woman" (and with hyphened last names M-W) hosting "Wine Blogging Wednesday", it is a must that we stick with a "W" in our theme. Cabernet Sauvignon from the State of Washington will be our theme for June. Naturally, I wanted a Walla Walla theme, but Washington wines collectively are easier for everyone to locate. However, if you want to concentrate on Walla Walla...
One last thing - I challenge my fellow oenophile bloggers to get creative and expand their taste buds from the ever so popular Ste Michelle and Columbia Crest from Washington State. Can you do it? Washington State is the 2nd largest premium wine producer in the United States with nine major American Viticultural Areas (AVA) and in fact, two weeks ago it was announced that Washington just bonded their 500th winery. So start drinking those Washington Cabernet Sauvignons and blog on!
Awesome idea, but a difficult choice for a Montreal blogger (the Washington selection is very thin). Good news - while the selection is thin, there are no Ste-Michelle/Columbia Crest wines available locally. Perhaps a trip south of the border is in order...
There's plenty of small Washington wineries, you just have to hunt around a bit :-)
If you've got a wine site we encourage you to check out the WebRing this person belongs to at
Wine Lovers
It's a pretty good place to gather together information, people, and sites about wine.
Joe - Run to the border!
I'm with Joe on the border run. I'm from Quebec too.
All the best for your June event. You announced at just the right time. The roundup for WBW 33: Languedoc value wines was just posted last night.
So over to you!
Going to be very, very tricky to join in this one - Washington wines are seldom seen in the UK.
Hi - looking forward to joining your WBW #34. It will be my 2nd time joining the group, as Marcus' was my first time. Cannot believe I have found a couple of Washington Cabernets at our local wine store. My hubby is a die hard fan of Columbia Crest (a bottle almost every nite!) so this will be a good workout for him also. See you then!
Why stick with one Washington State Cabernet Sauvignon? If you can find more than one - blog them all! More is never enough.
For those having a hard time finding Washington wines in their local wine shops, you might think of checking local wine bars or restaurants that have a good selection of wines by the glass.
Washington wine is more common than you might expect. I think sometimes it's just that people aren't used to looking for it.
Such a shame... I have some nice Quilceda Creek and Betz PdF in my collection... just none drinkable quite yet.
Catie,I will be doing several fun tastings of Washington Cabs in June and one especially for Wine Blogging Wednesday #34. What is your e-mail address. Just send me a comment with it. Comments are moderated. Gene
Catie, I apologize if I've missed it. Do we email you our submission URL or will you have a comment post?
Thanks a bunch, and cheers!
Hi Michelle (and everyone!)
Your timing is perfect! Any time you are ready, please email me a pointer to where I will find your WBW blog and I will scoop it up and post it. I plan on posting all day Wednesday and maybe even through Thursday. Hope to hear from you soon!
i love wahington cabs!
The collection of the best wine blogs will be the best wine gift to wine lover!I'll add your blog to my collection:)
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