Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wine Is Good For Me!

First of all, I apologize to my readers. I have not been ignoring you nor have I become disinterested in my blog. It's just that I've had a lot on my plate lately plus a case of writer's block. Distractions will do that to a writer. I've got quite a few draft posts, actually, but just haven't had the time to polish them.

Lately I took on the responsibility of a new mortgage and the organization of the move to a new home and all the paperwork and tasks involved. In the middle of all that, a strung-out druggie intruder tried to break into my old house while I was sleeping. Nothing like being stalked in your home to make you lose any buyer's remorse on the new place.

Then my doctor tells me my blood pressure is too high. Is this temporary? We are hoping so. He gave me a prescription of blood pressure medicine, baby aspirin and a glass of wine everyday. The doc is preaching to the choir when it comes to having a glass of wine a day.

We have all read the benefits of alcohol. Red wine is the most heart-healthy alcohol. The skin and seeds of red grapes contain a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. It's believed that flavonoids help your heart by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol, increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and reducing blood clotting.

Another antioxidant, resveratrol, is found in the skin of red grapes. Researchers believe that resveratrol can slow tumor growth in some cancers. They also believe it can help prevent nerve cell damage and death, which could help treat diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. And according to a Canadian study, the antioxidants in red wine and grape seeds may protect against periodontal (tooth and gum) disease. Medicine never tasted so delicious!

As I said, I have lots of drafts coming around, but in the mean time I have to take some more time off. The next couple of weeks, I may be able to post a blog here and there, but if not you will understand I am not ignoring you. There is lots to blog about - a reader asked me about "wine diamonds", there is a fall recipe to post, tasting room fee controversy, wine tastings, and a report on the upcoming Entwine which is held this Friday, October 13 at the Marc.

Entwine is a wine tasting, dinner and auction supporting the Walla Walla arts, wine, and education sponsored by the Walla Walla Community College Foundation, the Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance and ArtWalla. Looking forward to a relaxing and fun evening with friends, Beth and Shawn Gallagher and my sweetie, Steve before the big "move" to the new house. The morning after Entwine the moving "crew" arrives and we make our move. Hopefully, we won't be drinking too much wine for our "health" the night before. Cheers!

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