I want to introduce you to a group of women who write about wine.
Picture this - it is the late 1800's - early 1900's and the men are downstairs in the wine cellar or at an elaborate lodge dining room smoking cigars and sipping Bordeaux. In the mean time, their women-folk are drinking tea in a hot kitchen.
Boy oh boy (or should I say, "Girl oh girl?") how times have changed!
Did you know that in America and in the UK, women are the largest group of wine buyers, especially those in their 40's and even the women of the boomer generation? Also, women are playing a central role in the future of wine consumption in China, according to research by Vinexpo and the same research found that over 40% of female consumers in Japan, the most established wine market in Asia, drank wine more than twice a week.
In the last 10 years we have seen a growing amount of women winemakers, as well as women wine writers; which brings me to my point - -
On March 30, Paul Mabry of Vintank posted a blog on the 9 Most Important Wine Bloggers in the US and there was one very important thing that many of us noticed - - there was not one woman blogger on the list (It is important to note that I am not diminishing this list as there are several men on the list who are notable bloggers and worthy of such title). Was Paul being a male chauvinist? Is he president of the Good ol' Boys Wine Bloggers Club? Of course not.
I've known Paul as long as I have been blogging about wine. I've even chatted with Paul on the phone and picked his brain about the new frontier of wine blogging. There isn't a doubt in my mind that Paul would very much like to see a list of 9 or More Important Wine Bloggers in the US with a shift of a list that is dominated by women wine writers/bloggers.

There are a few skeptics regarding the algorithm and those who feel it is the curse of the Good Ol' Boys Club. Well, perhaps the timing of the list was a bit inconvenient especially when there has been so much political chatter and mud slinging in the media lately regarding women and their rights. I believe there are many women who are wondering what is next for us in the political arena when it comes to our health care. So, perhaps we are feeling we've had more than our share of not feeling equal in the political spotlight - - or anywhere ...
Or maybe the algorithm just thinks that girls are stupid.
Well no matter the silly gender biased algorithm, as I want to introduce to you a group of the Important Wine Bloggers in the US - The Good Ol' Girls. Please show the ol' algorithm that women are wine writers, too. (If you are a woman wine blogger/writer and you do not see your link, I apologize. It is not my intent to leave you out, so please post your title and link to the comment section) .
Enobytes - Pamela Heiligenthal
Wine and Beer of Washington State - Bean Fairbanks
Wine Peeps - Kori Voorhees
Great blog, and I'm honored to be on your list. Thanks, Catie.
Great list! Marcy Gordon also deserves a shout out. She writes Come For The Wine: http://comeforthewine.blogspot.com/.
Nice post Catie! My blog - Hudson Valley Wine Goddess - www.hvwinegoddess.blogspot.com
Thanks for the luv, Catie! I swear I don't have girl-germs!
All the best,
Nannette Eaton
Thanks for including me, such a great group to be a part of! I'd like to add a fellow European blogger - Missinwine (Carolyn Henry)based in Champagne but also writes about other Euro regions
Great list of women and I am honored to be a part of it!
It's a pleasure being amongst such a great group of women writers. And might I add one more - Walla Walla Wine Woman, Catie! Woot :)
Thank you so much!
Great post Catie! And Denise - Thank you so very much for mentioning me!! I blog at http://www.missinwine.com and http://www.vinogusto.com/blog/en :-)
Whoop Whoop for the Women writers of the world...
Kim Kolb from Colorado - Wineywomen.com
Great post Catie and you are right, I'd like nothing more than the list to be dominated by female bloggers next year. I mean 150%.
Thanks so much for checking in "Mr. Unknown!"
These women are so inspiring. We can truly say that a man's job before can now be done by women. They are innovating and learning so much.
Famous women in business
Thank you so much for including me and Wine Oh TV on your list:) What an amazing group of women! Cheers! Monique
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